Welcome to the last resort!
We call this the last resort because by the time you find me you’ve been everywhere and tried everything and still don’t feel as amazing as you know you can. You’re tired of the all-in fanatical dieting that either didn’t work or was so unreasonable you didn’t even try. Maybe you’re tired of everyone telling you it’s all in your head? Possibly you’re not all about the prescription life and know there is more to healing than what you’ve experienced. Whatever brought you here, welcome.
This is a judgement free zone!
Our goal is to teach you how to understand the signs your body is showing you and what to do to resolve them. No one expects perfection – only honesty, authenticity, and tacos!
Take a look around, make yourself at home. Collect the tools you need to be successful on your journey. If you've already made the choice to eat organic, non-GMO, enzyme rich, nutrient dense, foods I can help you update your tool box or fine tune your routine.
The Latest from Melissa
Great article from Institute for Integrative Nutrition!
Support Your Natural Collagen Production With These 9 Nutrient-Rich Foods
By incorporating these nutrient-dense foods into your diet, you can support your body’s natural collagen production and maintain healthy skin, joints, and tissues as you age.
½ C. greek yogurt 1 Tbsp. rice vinegar (can substitute any vinegar you have on hand) 1 Tbsp. of Sriracha 2 tsp sugar 1 ½ See More
Gluten free, grass fed/finished, organic, homemade smack sauce, all the healthy stuff. Made at home! Self care means different things to different people…some days eating See More
what is wellness coaching?
Wellness coaching is mind, body and spirit-based care that is focused on building health by restoring your body’s natural ability to function.
By identifying triggers of the immune system, detoxifying your body, and defining specific food recommendations to heal your gut, wellness coaching will help restore your health and keep you feeling your best! Learn more...
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